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Prepping my Star Wars Campaign: Imperial Entanglements

I’m preparing to launch a new Star Wars campaign at the end of June. I’m planning on sitting down and doing a lot of prep this time around, so that I’m able to roll with the punches. I have one player who likes to throw curveballs in there, so I’m trying to make sure I cover all my bases.

Imperial-Officer.jpgI set up a campaign template, limiting the choices of the characters the players could choose.

The players will be Imperial agents who have chosen to defect. I told them that one player could choose to be an alien, but they would need to be a rebel agent who was captured and is broken out.

I now have four players ready to go. My players are:

An Imperial Propaganda officer who believed he could change the Empire from the inside, but realized it was impossible, and now wants to join the Rebellion.

An Imperial Security Bureau agent who has discovered some terrible secret about the Empire and has realized that he needs to get this information to the Rebellion.

A Mirialan rebel who was a child slave, rescued by the Rebellion, then forced to remain in slavery in order to feed them information. He was captured by the Empire.

A K2 droid who had its memory core wiped, as per usual, but wiped a little… too much, making him susceptible to influence by his defector companions.

I’ve also spent a good deal of time looking over the galactic map and determining every planet that exists between the Imperial base they’re escaping from, and the nearest Rebel base, so that I can keep track of everything if they make a side-stop along the way.

You all, of course, will be updated as our game plays out. I’ll be sharing the character sheets when the characters are made.