Actual PlayRPGsWarhammer Fantasy

Warhammer RPG: Session 0

My group has had a really hard time actually getting together. As a group, we met back at the beginning of February. Since that time, we’ve tried to get everyone, but only once (ONCE!) were we able to get one other player to come over. We ended up playing Crimson Skies since we didn’t really have Quorum.

That all changed last night. With three players and me gathered around the table, we discussed our options.

One of the players had joined the group to tough it through 4e, until we moved on to a different campaign, so I thought it might be good to try out a completely different RPG than any of them had played before. I presented them with a few options: Dark Heresy (1st Edition)The Burning Wheel (Revised Edition)A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying, and Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (3rd Edition). After a bit of discussion, they decided they wanted to give WFRP3e a try.

They decided on the random career generation (drawing three and picking one), and in the end, we had a dwarf thief, a human coachman, and a dwarf watchman.

Using this, I’ve been trying to figure out how we’ll kick off the game, and this is what I’m thinking:

Based off of A Day Late, A Shilling Short, the dwarf watchman is taking the thief from one city to the next, on a prison coach, driven by the coachman. They’ll be traveling behind another coach, occupied by that fat merchant from the adventure. They’re ambushed by beastmen, and the adventure plays out like the rest of the published adventure. The thief has a “Pick Locks” specialization, so I imagine he’ll be able to bust out of the prison coach pretty easily.

From there, who knows?