D&DD&D 4eFluff/FlavorRPGs

Campaign Introduction: The Godfell Stone

So, I mustered up the courage to ask some of my co-workers to play D&D.

Surprisingly, the response was very positive! I’ve now got three people at work (plus one of the guy’s cousins) interested in playing with Bridget and I. After I get back from Paternity Leave, we’ll begin. One has already expressed interest in playing an Elven Ranger.

Mind you, none of these guys have ever played an RPG before. I think it’ll be fun.

My mind racing, I came up with a campaign concept:

At the beginning of time, the Dawn War filled the cosmos. Gods warred with primordials, whole planes of existence were created and destroyed. The primordials were powerful beings of pure chaos and elemental matter, who created the world out of the raw elemental power that existed before creation. They created it, but they did not populate it with life, and were going to destroy it until the gods intervened. The gods saw potential in this creation, and rather than allow it to be destroyed, they took control and started to populate it with creatures: the first mortals.

The primordials were full of anger; the gods had taken over their creation and, since they were individually much more powerful than the gods, they decided to take creation back from them. The gods had one decided advantage, though: while the gods were somewhat fractious and had their own petty schemes and rivalries, the primordials were fundamentally creatures of chaos, and therefore it was simply not in their nature to cooperate. The gods managed to put aside their differences, temporarily, and defeated and imprisoned the primordials within the Elemental Chaos. The rest, as they say, is history.

During the war, however, a powerful artifact was created: Fintir Ithquent, the Godfell Stone. It was rumored to be so powerful that it could slay a god simply by touch. Demigod after demigod fell to Fintir Ithquent. In the end, it was wrested from the control of the primordials, and carefully seized by the gods’ avatars, safely tucked away deep in the Astral Plane.

In time, however, Fintir Ithquent called out to be found. The stone was stolen by a Githyanki Sorcerer, who grew great with power, travelling amongst the worlds to summon the powers of all planes to himself. There, in his spire in the Elemental Chaos, the sorcerer was found.

Five heroes, summoned by the gods, made their way into the tower, and, at the peak, they fought the sorcerer, who was known as Svadruk, almost to a standstill.

Finally, they cast him from the tower. They took up the stone, and, rather than destroy it, the five took it for themselves. One by one, they fell to the power of the stone, becoming filled with its fury and hatred.

The stone disappeared for two thousand years, until it was discovered by some explorers in the Empire of Nerath, two hundred years ago. It was placed high in a monastery in the mountains, to be protected and guarded until such a time as it could be destroyed.

Yesterday, Fintir Ithquent vanished from its pedestal

So that’s the plan. What do you all think? I want some honest opinions!