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Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Session 2: Long Arm of the Hutt Pt. 1

In which the Wookiee goes mad…

We dove right into the second session with our Wookiee doctor, Herglic pilot, Chiss slicer, and brand new Gran hired gun, played by Eli. Eli was able to join us this week, so we whipped up a new character for him before the game started. We barely made it past the first page of the adventure.

The characters scrambled as alarms were going off all around their new ship as they realized they had no fuel, and no way of understanding the trandoshan writing on any of the alarms. The Herglic and Chiss found a box of Wookiee pelts in a crate, and had to keep the Wookiee from finding out about it.

image1-288x300They also found a Twilek trapped below decks, stuck in a cage and missing one of his lekku (head tails). The Wookiee took to him, and decided to care for him. The characters realized one of the alarms was informing them that the ship had a tracking device beaming their location back to Teemo, the Hutt who is hunting them. After dropping out of hyperspace, the ship was attacked by a bounty hunter who was following them. After a furious space battle, they knocked it out of the sky, and dropped down into the atmosphere of Ryloth.

They decided to stop a few hundred miles outside of the city, which was their destination. In order to appease the Wookiee, they agreed not to kill Trex, the Trandoshan bounty hunter whose ship they stole. Instead, they shot off his arm and threw him out of the ship into the brutal sands below. The Wookiee, upset that the Trandoshan was left to die, nevertheless was excited to see that they brought him the hand of the Trandoshan.

As I said before, this is where he went crazy. He insisted that he perform a surgery to attach the Trandoshan’s hand to the Twilek’s stump of a head tail. The other players freaked out, calling it monstrous and trying to talk him out of it. He kept insisting that he was a doctor, and that it would be okay.

After much coaxing, he was convinced not to (for now), but not before I gave him 5 points of Obligation in Madness. The Wookiee is beginning to unhinge, and everyone wonders what will happen if he discovers the crate of pelts. The players landed on the docking bay of the Twilek city, and headed into the city.

We ended the session there. The players had a blast, and the group dynamic is really good. I’m not sure what Gabe was thinking with his Wookiee. We’ll have to see if the madness continues.