
A Little Something I’m Working on: The Slaying of Lamorak

Inspired by the image above, I’m beginning to work on a short RPG I’m calling The Slaying of Lamorak.

Sir_Lamorack_of_Gales.pngThe tale of Lamorak comes from the Arthurian legends. He was Arthur’s third-best knight, capable of slaying thirty knights on his own. He ends up in a blood feud with the sons of King Lot, Gawain and Gaheris, who are also Knights of the Round Table. The feud blows up, resulting in Lamorak sleeping with Lot’s widow, and ambushed by Gawain, Gaheris, Agravain, and Mordred. A three hour battle ensues, with them finally killing him.

The RPG will be a storytelling game, where each player acts as a knight in this duel, each participating in a flashback scene with Lamorak showing their brotherhood and rivalries, before Lamorak is slain.

His death is certain, but the stories you tell in this one-shot game will explore betayal, friendship, loss and inevitability.

My goal is to make this a one-page game, but failing that, I’ll be making it four pages total so that it can be folded into a booklet on one sheet of paper.

I hope to have this out soon, perhaps in the next two weeks, available on both Itch.io and DrivethruRPG.