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To All the Wargames I’ve Loved Before (Part 2)

Continuing from earlier this week, we carry on, though in no particular order!

Middle Earth Miniatures. I played this from the first Fellowship release, through to about a year after Return of the King came out. I ended up losing a bunch of Riders of Rohan and Uruk-Hai, but have built back up a large collection, including two sets of the Hobbit boxed set. I love the rule system, and haven’t gotten a chance to play with the new rules or even pick up the rulebook.

pic702841Star Wars (Wizards of the Coast). When this was released, I bought a TON of it. I own a few dozen stormtroopers and rebel troops, and a ton more stuff. I mostly use it for the RPG, but have used some stuff for Imperial Assault as well. I pick up things I like when they pop up on Troll & Toad on occasion, and have done lots of conversions as well. I still own all the cards and laminated the maps, and I own the AT-AT as well, so I could run a pretty big game of this. Owning the rulebook for the West End Games D6-system miniatures game, I could also use these minis for that as well. I also have a bunch of their prepainted spaceships as well, which I’ve mixed into some of my Armada, based on sizing.

Dungeons and Dragons (Wizards of the Coast Prepainted). I don’t own any of the cards for these anymore, and only played one or two games of it. I’ve mostly used these for D&D, but I do own a ton of them and continue to collect both the old stuff as well as the new WizKids stuff as I can.

img_5849Necromunda. I played Necromunda a few times back in the day when we were playing Mordheim, but always preferred Mordheim. I picked up the “new” book in the mid 2000’s and still own it, but still didn’t play it. I then picked up the new game when it was released a couple of years back. I now own Escher, Goliath, Cultists, Orlock, and Van Saar. My books aren’t the new hardbacks, but I’ve really enjoyed what they’ve done with the game, and will be incorporating some of those rules into an upcoming Mordheim campaign.

Inquisitor. This game is really cool, a mix between a wargame and an RPG. It uses a percentile system, and is the basis for the Dark Heresy RPG. The miniatures are twice the size of a standard 40k mini, and has a lot of cool elements. We played a whole bunch of this in high school, as it only requires a couple of miniatures to play. I’ve got about 5 different warbands, including a squad of Sisters of Battle I 3D printed and painted. This one holds a special place in my heart.

Wings of War. Specifically the WWI version. I owned the starter box of this with just the cards, but then got a couple of planes, and then someone was clearing out their collection and sold me all the expansions and a bunch of plane models for a super-cheap price, so I own it all. I’ve only played it once or twice, but it’s a cool game and the inspiration for X-Wing.

41BPpQls0nLTannhauser. This falls into the “board games you can buy lots of miniature packs for”, and it plays like a wargame. Set in an alternate 1950’s where WWI never ended, the allies are using Alien tech from Roswell, while the Germans are using demonic power to help them. I worked on a few Tannhauser products, including being the editor for the Japanese pieces of the game. My brother designed those, and when he was moving into a smaller place, I ended up with his whole collection on my shelves, which includes multiple copies of EVERYTHING for the game.

Joan of Arc. I’ve written a few articles about this. It still hasn’t arrived, but should be by the time I get back to the states. I bought in on this big, with a ton of the stretch goals. I’ll be posting about it A LOT once it comes out, so be prepared.

Battletech. I began on Battletech with the Mechwarrior clix game, which I played when it came out, then again once it was long OOP, and me and the guys on my ship all bought a ton online and played. Now in Spokane, I know a few players, so I’ve been popping the mechs off their bases and putting them onto hex bases. I prefer combined arms forces, due to playing mostly that way with the clix game. I own a good 40-50 mechs, and a ton of infantry, VTOLs, tanks, and the like.

Dropzone Commander. I picked up the starter for this, and enjoyed it, but there just aren’t any players, so the box sits on my shelf. I’ve got a box of the buildings and ground tiles as well, which I use with both Battletech and Heroclix (despite the scale difference).

Star Wars: Legion. I bought two starters and a few other expansions when it was released, painted it all up, and then realized I wasn’t super interested in playing it, so I sold it all just before leaving for Busan. It’s a cool game, and I may get back into it once the Clone Wars stuff releases.

swi01-productlayoutImperial Assault. I own almost everything prior to the Coruscant release, and I really want to complete my set. I’ve run about three different campaigns with it, but none of them ever finished. I also played in a tournament with an Imperial Royal Guard team, and got slaughtered. It’s a great game. I’ve gone and painted almost everything up.

Heroscape. I bought a bunch of this stuff, mostly for the hex terrain. I’ve never played the game, but have used the minis for D&D, and the hex terrain for Battletech.

I think that covers it all! I own so much stuff, and I really need to try getting more game nights in to play everything.

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