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D&D 5e Magic Item: Voracious Shield

After painting up the new warlord from the Reaper Bones 4 Kickstarter, I really loved the shield he comes with. It’s really iconic looking, like something you’d see in a roleplaying book from the 80’s. I decided it needed the 5e treatment.

My thought is that this shield would be in the hands of a powerful warlord the heroes will need to face, so they’ll have to deal with this terrible item, before taking out the warlord and claiming it for themselves.

Voracious Shield

EEBQSPkUwAAzLL1 copy.jpgArmor (Shield), Rare. Requires Attunement

This shield provides a +1 to your AC when wielded. In addition, the wielder can use a standard action to make a basic melee attack with the shield. The shield deals 2d6 piercing damage as the shield’s mouth opens and it bites the victim. The target is grappled. If the target is already grappled, they are Restrained as they are consumed into the extra-dimensional space that exists within the shield. They can escape by making a Dexterity or Strength saving throw (DC 20). The shield can hold up to two medium sized creatures, or three small creatures.